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Question and Answer Guide To Sober Living

A nationally-recognized provider and the premier program in Dallas, TX.

Lighthouse Recovery in Dallas, Texas, provides comprehensive support for individuals transitioning from addiction treatment to sober living. This guide answers common questions about sober living homes and their benefits, offering valuable insights for those seeking a safe and structured environment to maintain sobriety. Our dedicated team is committed to helping residents build a strong foundation for a successful recovery journey. Explore the answers below to learn more about how sober living can support your path to lasting sobriety.


Sober Living Home and Program Benefits

At Lighthouse Recovery, our Sober Living program provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals transitioning out of treatment or those requiring a structured setting. Situated in a peaceful neighborhood west of Preston Hollow in Dallas, Texas, our four homes maintain a ratio of one staff member to three residents, ensuring personalized attention and care. By integrating our Sober Living program with clinical treatment, we offer a comprehensive approach to recovery, enabling residents to gradually reintegrate into work or school while developing the relationships and skills essential for sustained sobriety.

Our individualized approach guarantees that each resident and family receives care tailored to their unique needs. Unlike other programs, we do not rely on a guidebook or a one-size-fits-all strategy. Our spacious homes feature luxurious beds, delicious meals, and convenient transportation, all within a calming atmosphere that promotes tranquility and focus. Our Sober Living Homes in Dallas, TX, accommodate no more than eight individuals per house, fostering a close-knit community where residents enjoy spending time together. Along with our exceptional sober living facilities, residents benefit from:

Family Support

Our Sober Living program recognizes the difficulties that addiction and mental health issues can create within relationships. We work closely with residents and their families to build trust, set boundaries, and nurture healthy connections. Family support is a key component, promoting unity and a cohesive approach to recovery.


Our one-to-three staff-to-resident ratio emphasizes personalized care, ensuring focused attention to each individual’s needs. This structure, guided by our tiered management system, allows ample support throughout the residents’ recovery journey.

Life Skills Training

We offer guidance and support for residents in managing tasks, finances, time, and stress while maintaining sobriety. Our program equips individuals with the skills and tools needed to handle post-treatment challenges, fostering confidence and autonomy and reducing the risk of relapse in a real-world setting.

Beautiful Homes

We have four homes with thirty beds in a tranquil neighborhood west of Preston Hollow in Dallas, TX. Each sober living home provides a secure and comfortable environment with luxurious amenities. Our residences feature fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, cozy living areas with big-screen TVs, and high-speed Wi-Fi, creating a relaxing atmosphere for residents to concentrate on recovery and build lasting connections.

Lighthouse Recovery Sober Living in Dallas, TX

What Is a Sober Living Home?

A sober living home is a residence designed to support individuals in recovery from addiction. These homes offer a structured, drug-free environment where residents can focus on rebuilding their lives while maintaining sobriety. Sober living homes typically have rules and guidelines to ensure that all residents contribute to a positive and safe living environment. At Lighthouse Recovery, our sober living homes provide a supportive community that encourages accountability and growth. Residents must participate in daily activities, attend recovery meetings, and maintain personal responsibilities.

How Does Sober Living Differ From Rehab?

Rehab is typically an intensive, structured program designed to address the immediate needs of addiction treatment. These programs often involve medical detox, intensive therapy, and 24/7 supervision. Sober living, on the other hand, serves as a transitional phase between rehab and independent living. While rehab focuses on detox and therapy, sober living emphasizes long-term sobriety, life skills, and reintegration into society. Sober living homes provide a less structured environment than rehab, allowing residents to gradually adapt to the responsibilities of daily life while still receiving support and guidance. This gradual transition helps to reduce the risk of relapse by providing a stable and supportive environment.

Who Can Benefit From Sober Living?

Anyone who has completed an addiction treatment program can benefit from sober living. It’s beneficial for individuals who:

  • Need a structured environment to support their recovery
  • Lack of a stable, sober living situation
  • Want to build a strong foundation before returning to daily life
  • Seek peer support and accountability

Sober homes are ideal for those who may not yet feel ready to return to their previous living situations. They offer a safe and supportive space to continue recovery efforts and to practice the skills learned during rehab. Additionally, individuals who have experienced multiple relapses or who have a high risk of relapse can benefit significantly from the additional support and structure provided by a sober living home.

What Are the Rules of a Sober Living Home?

Sober living homes have rules to create a safe and supportive environment. Common rules include:

  • Maintaining sobriety (no drugs or alcohol)
  • Regular drug testing
  • Attending house meetings and support groups
  • Participating in chores and maintaining cleanliness
  • Respecting curfews and visitation policies

At Lighthouse Recovery, we tailor our rules to support each resident’s recovery journey. These rules help ensure that all residents contribute to a positive living environment and are focused on their recovery. Breaking the rules may result in consequences, such as increased supervision, loss of privileges, or even dismissal from the home. The goal is to create a community where residents feel safe and supported and where they can hold each other accountable.

What Are the Benefits of Sober Living?

Sober living offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • A safe, substance-free environment
  • Peer support and shared experiences
  • Development of life skills and routines
  • Gradual reintegration into society
  • Ongoing access to counseling and support services

These benefits help residents build confidence and resilience as they transition to independent living. The peer support found in sober living homes can be precious, as residents share their experiences and offer encouragement to one another. The structured environment helps residents to develop healthy routines and habits, which are crucial for maintaining long-term sobriety. Additionally, the ongoing access to counseling and support services ensures that residents have the resources to address any challenges during their recovery journey.

How Long Can You Stay in a Sober Living Home?

The length of stay in a sober living home varies based on individual needs. Some residents may stay for a few months, while others may benefit from a more extended stay. At Lighthouse Recovery, we work with each resident to determine the appropriate duration to support their recovery goals. The average stay in a sober living home can range from six months to a year, depending on the individual’s progress and needs. A more extended stay allows more time to develop and strengthen the skills needed for independent living while also providing a stable and supportive environment during the critical early stages of recovery.

How Much Does Sober Living Cost?

The cost of sober living homes can vary widely. Factors influencing cost include location, amenities, and the level of support provided. Lighthouse Recovery offers competitive pricing and works with residents to explore payment options, including insurance and financial assistance. It’s essential to consider the services’ value when evaluating the cost of a sober living home. While some homes offer lower rates, they may also provide fewer services and less support. Investing in a high-quality sober living house can significantly increase the chances of long-term success in recovery.

What Should You Look for in a Sober Living Home?

When choosing a sober living home, consider the following factors:

  • Safety and cleanliness of the residence
  • Supportive and structured environment
  • Access to recovery resources and support groups
  • Rules and policies that promote accountability
  • Positive testimonials and success stories from former residents

Lighthouse Recovery prides itself on providing a nurturing environment that meets these criteria. Visiting potential sober living homes and speaking with staff and residents can help you understand the environment and the level of support offered. It’s also important to ask about the home’s rules and policies to ensure they align with your recovery goals and needs.

Can You Work While Living in a Sober Living Home?

Yes, many sober living homes, including Lighthouse Recovery, encourage residents to work or attend school while living in the house. Balancing work or education with recovery activities helps residents build a routine and prepare for independent living. Having a job or attending school can provide a sense of purpose and structure, essential to a successful recovery. Additionally, working or attending school can help residents develop new skills and build confidence to maintain sobriety in real-world situations.

How Do You Transition From Sober Living to Independent Living?

Transitioning from sober living to independent living involves:

  • Gradually increasing independence while maintaining support
  • Developing and adhering to a personal recovery plan
  • Building a solid support network
  • Continuing to attend support groups and counseling

At Lighthouse Recovery, we assist residents in creating a solid transition plan to ensure their long-term success. This may include finding suitable housing, securing employment, and establishing a routine that supports sobriety. Having a clear strategy and utilizing the support and resources available through the sober living home and other recovery programs is essential. Building a solid support network, including family, friends, and recovery peers, can provide the encouragement and accountability needed to maintain long-term sobriety.

How Can Family Members Support a Loved One in Sober Living?

Family support is crucial for individuals who live in sober living. Family members can help by:

  • Encouraging and supporting their loved one’s recovery efforts
  • Participating in family therapy sessions
  • Educating themselves about addiction and recovery
  • Providing a stable and supportive home environment upon transition

Lighthouse Recovery offers family counseling and education to foster a supportive network for our residents. It’s essential for family members to understand the challenges of recovery and to be patient and supportive as their loved one works towards maintaining sobriety. Open communication and setting healthy boundaries can also strengthen the family dynamic and support the individual’s recovery journey.

Frequently Asked Questions about Our Sober Living

What is the focus of Lighthouse Recovery's sober living program?

Lighthouse Recovery specializes in providing a supportive and structured sober living environment designed to assist individuals in maintaining sobriety and achieving long-term recovery from addiction. Our program focuses on creating a stable foundation for recovery through community support, accountability, and personal development.

Who is eligible for the sober living program at Lighthouse Recovery?

Our sober living program is tailored for individuals who are committed to their recovery journey from alcohol and drug addiction. Ideal candidates are those who have recently completed a detox or rehabilitation program and are looking for a supportive community to help maintain their sobriety.

What kind of environment can I expect at Lighthouse Recovery?

Residents at Lighthouse Recovery live in a nurturing environment that promotes sobriety and personal growth. Our sober living homes feature shared and individual living spaces designed to foster a sense of community and mutual support. Amenities include common areas for group meetings, serene outdoor spaces for relaxation, and facilities to support healthy living practices.

How does Lighthouse Recovery support residents in maintaining sobriety?

We support our residents’ sobriety through regular drug and alcohol screenings, mandatory attendance at recovery meetings, and engagement in our comprehensive recovery program. This includes personalized counseling, life skills development, and participation in sober community activities, all designed to reinforce the habits and mindsets necessary for sustained recovery.

What are the costs associated with Lighthouse Recovery's sober living program?

The cost varies based on room selection and the level of support required. We are committed to making our sober living program accessible and offer various payment options and financial assistance discussions for those in need.

How does Lighthouse Recovery ensure a secure and conducive recovery environment?

We maintain a secure and conducive recovery environment through strict adherence to house rules, continuous staff support, and fostering a culture of respect and support among residents. Our staff is dedicated to providing a safe space that supports each resident’s recovery journey.

Why choose Lighthouse Recovery for sober living in Dallas?

Lighthouse Recovery stands out for its dedicated approach to sober living, focusing on individualized care, a comprehensive suite of recovery services, and a supportive community atmosphere. Our program is designed to support not just sobriety, but also the overall well-being and personal growth of our residents, making us a premier choice for sober living in Dallas, Texas.

How Do You Apply for Sober Living at Lighthouse Recovery?

Contact our admissions team to discuss your needs and begin the application process. We will assess your situation and help you determine if our sober living program is the right fit for your recovery journey. Our admissions team is available to answer any questions and to provide guidance and support throughout the application process. Once accepted into the program, you will receive a comprehensive orientation to help you acclimate to the sober living environment and understand the expectations and resources available to you.

Lighthouse Recovery in Dallas, Texas, is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for individuals transitioning from addiction treatment to independent living. Our sober living homes offer the structure, support, and resources necessary to build a strong foundation for long-term sobriety. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how we can support your recovery. Whether you are just completing a rehab program or looking for additional support in your recovery journey, our team is here to help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling, sober life.

Lighthouse Sober Living

Standard Sober Living

  • Individualized, progress-based system utilizing our extensive Sober Living experience

  • 1-to-3 staff-to-client ratio

  • Extensively trained, full-time, live-in House Managers plus full-time Family Case Managers, Directorial Staff, and Adminstrative Support

  • 9x In-house Groups (per week) (Mindfulness and Mediation, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Financial Literacy, etc.)

  • Required and tracked attendance at Outside Meetings

  • 1x Family Case Management Meeting (per week)

  • 1x Client Case Management Meeting (per week)

  • Little to no programmatic philosophy beyond basic peer support and "everyone here is sober"

  • 1-to-10 staff-to-client ratio

  • Part-time Managers (most have a full-time job elsewhere) with little to no additional support staff available

  • No Process Groups offered

  • Meeting attendance is encouraged, but not tracked and reported

  • No structured Family Case Management

  • No Individualized Client Case Management offered

  • 1x Individual Therapy Session (per week) with our in-house Therapists for continuity of care

  • Preferred Access to our Recovery Coaching Program

  • Robust Network i.e. psychiatrists, neurofeeback specialists, etc.

  • Structured life-skills training and curriculum

  • "Job U" i.e. resume building, interview tactics, etc. Monthly Financial Literacy groups.

  • 2-3x Randomized Drug / Breathalyzer testing (per week)

  • Medication Supervision

  • Family or Client will need to find their own Therapist and pay additional fees i.e. $100+/session

  • No access to in-house Outpatient Treatment offered

  • No access to in-house Recovery Coaching offered

  • Limited Referral Network for Auxiliary Services

  • No structured life-skills curriculum

  • Basic "job search" assistance may be available

  • Drug / Breathalyzer testing (upon suspicion)

  • Medication is not supervised

  • 8 residents per home

  • 2 residents per room

  • Well-located, private, and safe homes

  • Home amenities and layout are designed to encourage community and recovery first and foremost

  • Food Included

  • Transportation Included

  • 2x company-organized recreational activities (per month)

  • Up to 18 residents per home

  • Up to 6 persons per room

  • Location of home varies

  • Not designed specifically for recovery i.e. putting T.V.'s in the client rooms will foster "isolating" behavior

  • Food may or may not be provided

  • Bus Pass sometimes offered

  • Peer-organized activities

Lighthouse Sober Living

  • individualized, progress-based system utilizing our extensive Sober Living experience

  • 1-to-3 staff-to-client ratio

  • Extensively trained, full-time, live-in House Managers plus full-time Family Case Managers, Directorial Staff, and Adminstrative Support

  • 9x In-house Groups (per week) (Mindfulness and Mediation, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Financial Literacy, etc.)

  • Required and tracked attendance at Outside Meetings

  • 1x Family Case Management Meeting (per week)

  • 1x Client Case Management Meeting (per week)

  • 1x Individual Therapy Session (per week) with our in-house Therapists for continuity of care

  • Preferred Access to our  Clinical Outpatient Treatment Center

  • Preferred Access to our Recovery Coaching Program

  • Robust Network i.e. psychiatrists, neurofeeback specialists, etc.

  • Structured life-skills training and curriculum

  • "Job U" i.e. resume building, interview tactics, etc. Monthly Financial Literacy groups.

  • 2-3x Randomized Drug / Breathalyzer testing (per week)

  • Medication Supervision

  • 8 residents per home

  • 2 residents per room

  • Well-located, private, and safe homes

  • Home amenities and layout are designed to encourage community and recovery first and foremost

  • Food Included

  • Transportation Included

  • 2x company-organized recreational activities (per month)

Read more about Sober Living



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More About Our Sober Living Homes in Dallas, TX

Discover the Best Sober Living Houses in the Dallas Area

At Lighthouse Recovery, we understand that the journey of addiction recovery is both challenging and rewarding. That’s why our sober living facilities in Dallas, TX, are designed to provide the utmost care and support throughout the recovery process. Recognized as one of the best sober living options in the Dallas area, our homes are situated in quiet, residential neighborhoods, including the vibrant community of Richardson. Here, residents find a serene environment conducive to healing and growth.

Comprehensive Healthcare and Treatment Programs

Incorporating cutting-edge healthcare practices, our treatment programs at Lighthouse Recovery focus on both substance abuse recovery and overall wellness. Our Dallas, TX, sober living facilities offer a holistic approach, ensuring that every resident receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. This includes access to a wide range of treatment programs that cover everything from detoxification to long-term sobriety strategies, making us a leading choice for those searching for ‘best sober living’ options.

A Place for Your Loved One to Thrive

Choosing a sober living facility for a loved one is a significant decision. At Lighthouse Recovery, we prioritize creating a supportive and secure environment where your loved one can truly thrive. Our sober living houses in Dallas, TX, not only provide a structured and stable environment but also foster a sense of community and belonging, critical elements in the long-term recovery process. Here, your loved one will not only find a place to stay but a place to grow.

Engage with Our Sober Living Community

Located in the heart of the Dallas area, including Richardson, our sober living houses offer more than just a place to live; they offer a community. Engagement in the recovery community is a key component of our program, helping residents build the resilience and skills needed for long-term recovery from substance abuse. Through a variety of group activities and individual support, residents gain the confidence and tools necessary to navigate their sober journey successfully.

Why Choose Lighthouse Recovery in Dallas, TX?

Lighthouse Recovery stands out as a premier provider of sober living facilities in the Dallas, TX, area, offering tailored programs that meet the diverse needs of our residents. Our commitment to excellence in addiction recovery and healthcare and our compassionate approach to treatment make us a top choice for individuals and families seeking effective and supportive sober living options.

By choosing Lighthouse Recovery, you’re not just choosing a sober living house but a pathway to a healthier, sober life.

Get Started Today

Getting started is easy. Use one of the options here to get in touch with a Lighthouse Staff member. We'll discuss your needs, expectations for Treatment, and our programming options. We look forward to speaking with you and thank you for your trust.
CALL US: (214) 396-0259